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✓ Female Erasure Seminar and "Language Refusal" Course
✓ Seminar Series on Spiritual Capitalism & Male Ideology
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What is Feminist Separatism?

Feminist Separatism is the theory that Feminist opposition to Patriarchy can be achieved through BIOLOGICAL Womyn's separation from Patriarchy and Men. In alignment with our SISTERS in South Korea, ‘The WEST 4B Movement’ upholds itself to the same active principles surrounding the decentering of Men. We have taken out the "A" and "E" in the terms woman/ women due to its oppressive history of being used to claim ownership over us. WOMIN is singular and WOMYN is plural.

The West 4B Movement

South Korea’s “4B is shorthand for four Korean words that all start with bi-, or “no”: The first no, Bihon, is the refusal of heterosexual marriage. Bichulsan is the refusal of childbirth, Biyeonae is saying no to dating, and Bisekseu is the rejection of heterosexual sexual relationships.” Similar to the Womyn in South Korea, Womyn within the United States are facing very identical circumstances, regarding life under Patriarchy. The ‘WEST 4B Movement’ stands with the Womyn of South Korea and their outline regarding the separation of themselves from Men. Within this outline, Womyn of the ‘WEST 4B Movement’ aims to uphold: NO Heterosexual Marriage, NO Childbirth, NO Dating and NO Heterosexual Sexual Relationships. Our goal in the West, is to create a Living-Space for Womyn of ALL RACES and Ethnicities to come together and flourish.